"WebCT formatuko galdetegiak" inportatu

WebCT inportatzeko iragazkia garapen-bidean dago eta oraindik ez ditu WebCT-en galdetegi guztiak onartzen.

Hau idazteko momentuan, Aukera Anitzekoak eta Erantzun Laburreko Galderak baino ez ditu onartzen.

Hona hemen galdera-mota horien hainbat adibide testu-fitxategi batean:

# Start of question: Short Answer Question
:TITLE:Short Answer Question
What is the name of the WebCT Learning Hub?
<br /> 
Be sure to visit the Learning Hub\: www.WebCT.com
# End of question: Short Answer Question

# Start of question: Multiple Choice Question
:TITLE:Multiple Choice Question
Darwin invented the theory of evolution and created darwinism.
Where is the Darwin Research Center?
Menlo Park, California
Vancouver, Canada
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Correct Answer!
London, England
Sidney, Australia
# End of question: Multiple Choice Question

Laguntza-fitxategien zerrenda